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About Us and Our Outreach Programs
One of the leading causes of death amongst teenagers is suicide. The Centers for Disease Control report that it is the third leading cause of death, behind accidents and homicide, of people aged 15 to 24. Even more disturbing is the fact that suicide is the fourth leading cause of death for children between the ages of 10 and 14.
You can learn more facts about teen suicide and prevention at:
Why We Exist
Pick With Austin formed in memorial to former teen guitarist Alan Carter Villaruz-Curley, our goal is to continue Alan's mission of goodness by helping young people to experience his Gift of Music. We achieve this through our programs that collect and distribute guitars to kids who are staying long term in children's hospitals, to youth ministries, for "at risk" teens, youth groups, group homes, select individuals, organizations, mental health and disability centers. We do this in order to help bring about an awareness of the dangers of youth and teen depression and to educate the general public on this subject.
Pick With Austin is registered as a Nonprofit Corporation by the State of Texas and is 501c3 certified by the federal government.
"More than anything else, I do not want any other parent to ever have to experience what I go through every day resulting from this kind of loss."
Jeff Curley, Founder
Services That We Provide
Pick With Austin's primary focus is two-fold. While we use our programs, such as Alan's Gift of Music, to reach young people who may be at-risk of depression, self harm, and/or suicide... we also put focus on Prevention - which comes from education that we provide to parents, friends, and the community. Representatives from Pick With Austin are available to speak to children, teens, or various related groups of all ages with the focus being on sharing our story and helping to provide alternatives and support for those at-risk or to family and friends of at-risk children, teens, or adults.
MILITARY: In addition, in early 2014, we began implementing expansion of what we do in order to include PTSD and other situations as they affect individuals in our nation's military. Unlike many other programs of that type, we also reach out to members of military families, not just the soldiers themselves.
We strive to integrate our programs and our efforts into other currently existing organizations and foundations; together we are strong and our messages become more powerful.

Our Youth
What sets Pick With Austin apart in how we pursue our goals is that rather than providing a clinical approach, we use PEER-TO-PEER as our methology for reaching young people. We are well aware that a young person is more apt to embrace the words of someone who understands where they are coming from and who are more in line with their own age range and social experience. We often use our teens (some of our actual teen associates pictured here) during our events and presentations.
A Youth Voice helps create a strong foundation that young people are more willing to listen and relate to.

Going Forward
Pick With Austin has aggressive long term plans and goals:
- We will continue donating guitars, guitar accessories, and music oriented equipment and experiences to individuals and organizations;
- We will add more corporate sponsors, including guitar and musical instrument and accessory manufacturers;
- We will integrate with more existing organizations, foundations, and programs and seek out private and government sponsored grants;
- We will expand our outreach through both traditional means and via social media;
- We will provide or participate in peer-to-peer support group(s) online;
- We will establish additional resources and support groups and we will take part on mental health related task force teams and committee's in order to educate awareness.
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